Each home and each display is unique. Many of our clients elect to do a simple, elegant roof line with warm white lights and perhaps wrap a statement tree in the front yard to add excitement. Others enjoy the magic of multicolored lights, or the beauty of a solid color ringing the lawn. We will meet with you to discuss your holiday lighting dreams, and then we will take measurements to provide you with a personalized quote.

On installation day, a crew of two or more Capital Christmas Lighting installers will arrive at your home to put up your display. Many times we can be done in just a few hours, but even on bigger jobs our goal is to complete the work in a single day, so crews will generally be larger for larger displays.

Your display will be dismantled after the holidays (usually in January) and stored at our warehouse in Pflugerville, and we will contact you next fall to talk about any changes or additions you would like to make for next year’s display.

